Pre nego što virusi napadnu… / Before Viruses Attack

Sezona je virusa. Malo, malo, pa mi se deca razbole. Idu u vrtić i to je sasvim normalna stvar.

Ovaj outfit sam uspela da prošetam pre par nedelja, baš pred početak svih tih prehlada.

U petak bi trebalo da skoknem na probni trening samoodbrane za žene. Slučajno sam videla obaveštenje i baš sam zainteresovana. Unapred se radujem, čućete utiske.

A sada puštam fotke da govore umesto mene 🙂

Na kraju post-a sam navela spisak stvari koje sam obukla i odakle su.



We’re in the middle of the ‘flu season’. My kids get sick A LOT, which is perfectly understandable since they go to kindergarten. Before all that started, I managed to don this outfit couple of weeks ago.

I saw an announcement for Aikido-based women’s self-defense course. First training session is for free, so I’ve decided to give it a go on Friday. I’ll let you know how it went.

As for the outfit, I’ll let the photos speak on my behalf 🙂 Scroll to the bottom of the post to see what I’m wearing here 🙂 Enjoy!

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Jaknicu sam kupila na sniženju kod Kineza za 1250 dinara, marka J&J. Prelepa providna tunika je kupljena na buvljaku za 100 dinara. Neko je već secnuo etiketu, jedino što piše jeste da je italijanska. Bela ešarpa sa srebrnkastim nitima je bila 50 dinara u secondhand radnji. Farmerke su kupljene u lokalnoj prodavnici džinsa, oko 1800 dinara. Čizmice kaubojke sam nabavila za svoju svadbu 🙂 Naručila sam ih preko nekog od onih sajtova tipa Kupujem – Prodajem. Kožne su i, ako se dobro sećam, bile su negde oko 3000.

Uživajte u jesenjim danima i nadam se da će vas virusi zaobići. Ako ne, nabacite na sebe omiljene krpice i zaobiđite vi njih 😉


J&J jacket – Chinese shop, 1250  dinars. A gorgeous transparent tunic – flea market, 100 dinars. I can’t tell the manufacturer because the label’s been partially cut off, but it’s Italian. White scarf with silver threads – secondhand store, 50 dinars. Jeans – the local shop, 1800 dinars. Cowboy boots were worn at my wedding 🙂 I ordered them online, they’re secondhand, leather, and were app. 3000 dinars.

Enjoy the autumn and I hope you don’t get caught by viruses 😉 Stay away from them and wear your favorite pieces 🙂

Leave a comment, I would love to hear what you think.

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