Majčinstvo – ne budi prestroga prema sebi / Motherhood – Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

Kao prvo, pozdrav svima, a još veći pozdrav svim majkama. Kao što i same znate, biti majka je iskustvo koje se ne može uporediti ni sa čim što ste prethodno doživele, skup najlepših mogućih osećanja, a u isti mah i velikih strepnji. Onog trenutka kada su moje devojčice došle na ovaj svet, počeo je novi život. Dani i godine pre toga postali su nejasni eho Jeleninog bitisanja. Past perfect tense.

Prvih godinu dana je bilo jako naporno, i fizički i psihički. Idealan teren za totalni burnout – neredovna ishrana, nespavanje, strepnja nad decom, nepoznat teren, što sve vodi do velikih sumnji u sebe i osipanja samopouzdanja.

Kako je vreme odmicalo, postajala sam spretnija, pohvatala cake i uspela da dođem do stadijuma kad, zapravo, uživam u svojoj deci. Korak po korak.

Ništa novo neću otkriti u ovom post-u. Samo želim da pružim podršku svim majkama i kažem da je u redu praviti greške. U redu je razmišljati da li si dovoljno dobra.

U redu je isplakati se. U redu je poželeti da možeš da spavaš bar još sat vremena. U redu je da te okolina ne razume, da ti svako priča kako bi trebalo da se ponašaš. U redu je da uveče, kada deca zaspe, uzmeš da pročitaš nešto ili jednostavno uživaš u tišini. U redu je da nekad nemaš volju da se doteraš.

U redu je biti ljudsko biće. Jesi dovoljno dobra. Takva kakva si. Ako nisi zadovoljna trenutnim, veruj mi, biće bolje.

Upijaj svaki lep trenutak sa decom, jer oni su izvor prave radosti. Uči od dece da je jedina sreća živeti u ovoj sekundi, nauči od njih da se udubiš u ono što radiš, da se cela posvetiš, makar to bilo pranje sudova.

Nauči od dece da nije bitno kako izgledaš, nego da se dobro zabaviš i pokažeš osećanja.

I svaki put kad te savlada umor ili stres, zagrli ih. Poljubi, izgnjavi. Deluju kao infuzija 🙂 Ta najdivnija bića na svetu celom koja će te naučiti o životu i sebi više od bilo koga/čega drugog.

Živele majke i njihova deca ❤

Pišite mi koji su izazovi kod vas prisutni kada je u pitanju majčinstvo, volela bih da čujem mišljenja na tu temu.


Hi everyone, mothers especially! As you already know, being a mother is incomparable to anything you previously experienced. A set of the most wonderful emotions ever and, at the same time, the biggest fears you could imagine. The moment my two little girls were born, a new life began. All those days and years before their birth turned into a blurred echo of my existence. Past Perfect Tense.

First year was a major physical and mental blow. All the factors gathered perfectly to create a total burnout – eating at irregular times, lack of sleep, anxiety, unknown terrain, all leading to high amounts of self-doubt and gradual destruction of my self-confidence.

As time went by, I became more skillful and came to a point where I actually enjoy my kids. Step by step.

I will not make any great discoveries in this post. I just want to offer my support and kind words to all the mothers out there and tell them that it’s OK to make mistakes. It’s OK questioning yourself whether you’re good enough.

It’s OK to have a good cry. It’s OK to crave one more hour of sleep. It’s OK if the people around you don’t get you and keep telling you how you should behave. In the evening, when your kids are asleep, it’s OK to read a book or just enjoy the silence. It’s OK not to be in the mood for getting all dolled up.

It’s OK being human. You ARE good enough. Just the way you are. If you’re not satisfied with how the things are going, trust me, it will get better.

Savor every moment spent with your kids for they are pure, undiluted essence of joy. Let your kids teach you that happiness means living in the moment, let them teach you to be mindful whatever it is you’re doing, even if it’s just washing dishes.

Let them teach you that looks don’t matter. What matters is that you have fun and show your feelings.

And every time you’re gripped by fatigue or stress, hug your kids. Kiss them, cuddle with them. Children have the same effect as intravenous infusion 🙂  Those most wonderful creatures in the world will teach you all you need to know about life and yourself.

Long live mothers and their children ❤

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Photo by Miloš Rakić